Friday, April 13, 2007

Final COE Colombian Cupping

So, I wandered back to Cafe Imports to cup the final 13 Colombians. My scores this time were much closer. However, there were two coffees that jumped out in a major way. One of them was Diogenes Muchicon Perdomo's coffee from the farm San Antonio. It's a 23 bag lot and jury scored this coffee to the number 3 place. The coffee tastes of ginger bread and pleasant spice. It's got excellent body... and honestly, kinda reminds me of Christmas.

My highest score for the day actually co-insided with the jury's score. I gave the #1 Colombian the highest score of a 90.5 that day. It was a very well rounded flavor, semi-fruity, and excellent sweetness. The coffee also has a delicious dry aroma.

Well, I have to run for now. Gotta get to the cafe to help close. Andrew Kopplin lands today sometime from Norway. Apparently, he visited many great shops and has a bunch of coffee that is coming with him. I'm stoked for it all. Later kids~

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